Monday, June 29, 2009

Indonesia memang hebat.

Indonesia memang hebat.
Rakyatnya taat hukum. Bahkan pada hukum tak tertulis yang mengharuskan seseorang membayar lebih apabila ingin melakukan sesuatu yang seharusnya cuma-cuma. Membayar untuk lebih melancarkan kepentingannya. Uang balas jasa kata mereka.
Setali tiga uang, hukumnya sangat adil. Bagaimana tidak adil, mereka yang membayar lebih memang harus lebih diutamakan dalam hukum daripada mereka yang tidak membayar. Lebih tidak adil lagi kalau mereka yang tidak membayar mempunyai kedudukan yang sama di mata hukum. Kan kasihan mereka yang sudah bersusah payah membayar hakim, jaksa, polisi dan lain sebagainya.

Indonesia memang kaya.
Kalau saja Korupsi, Kolusi, dan Nepotisme bisa dijual, maka mungkin kita akan sejajar dengan China. Kalau saja kemiskinan dapat diperdagangkan, maka mungkin kita akan berada beberapa strip di bawah Zimbabwe.
Saking kayanya Indonesia, orang-orang kaya di Indonesia masih merasa miskin dan butuh bantuan. Yah, karena memang masih miskin, mereka masih berhak menerima BLT, dan bantuan lainnya.

Pejabat Indonesia memang top.
Mereka begitu memperhatikan kepentingan negara dan bangsa. Mereka sangat yakin bahwa mereka lah yang berhak menjabat karena mereka yang paling benar. Sampai-sampai apabila mereka tidak rela bila tidak terpilih dan berkata "pemilihan ulang!". Yah, wajar saja sih kalau calon pejabat sebaik mereka harusnya terpilih. Malah kalau bisa, tidak usah ada pemilihan umum dan semua calon bisa menjabat.
Karena itu, wajar kalau mereka tidur di ruang rapat. Mereka juga perlu istirahat karena selalu berpikir tentang rakyat.
Wajar kalau mereka minta bepergian ke luar negeri. Study banding, kata mereka, walaupun kenyataannya mereka lebih banyak pelesir. Sebenarnya tanpa alasan study banding, melainkan pelesir, ke luar negeri juga tidak apa-apa. Seperti kalimat dalam film "The Shining": "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Wajar untuk para wakil rakyat yang selalu bekerja siang dan malam untuk negara.
Juga wajar kalau mereka mencari penghasilan tambahan dari KKN. Gaji wakil rakyat kan kecil? Bill Gates yang bukan pejabat negara saja gajinya puluhan kali lipat gaji wakil rakyat kita. Lagipula, pemerintahan yang kaya adalah tanda dari negara yang kaya.

Begitu hebatnya Indonesia, Ibukotanya pun hebat.
Begitu banyak kereta besi dan sepeda bermotor sehingga jalan raya sudah tidak terlihat lagi aspalnya. Dengan begitu tidak ada sepetak pun jalan yang mubazir. Seluruhnya terpakai oleh paling tidak 1 kendaraan.
Kendaraan umumnya juga sangat tertata. Bisa dilihat bahwa mereka berhenti di bahu jalan dengan tertibnya untuk mencari penumpang. Ngetem kata mereka.
Para pengendara kendaraan bermotor di Jakarta haruslah orang yang berbakat di dunia balap. Mereka pandai mengebut, drift, mencari sela-sela untuk menyalip, dan keahlian balap lainnya. Terutama para sopir angkutan umum.
Udaranya juga sangat bagus. Asap tebal CO2 dari knalpot kendaraan bermotor dan cerobong pabrik berbau sangat harum. Tidak seperti udara pedesaan yang masih murni.
Penduduk Jakarta selalu bertambah dari tahun ke tahun. Hal ini karena masyarakat Jakarta butuh banyak pekerja pada jasa hiburan. Ya, hiburan di dalam angkutan umum seperti bus atau angkot. KArena memang dibutuhkan hiburan untuk menemani kejenuhan penduduk Jakarta di atas angkutan umum. Atau, apabila tidak bekerja pada bidang hiburan, mereka biasanya bekerja pada transportasi. Ada dua macam orang yang bekerja di bidang ini. Yang pertama mereka mentransportasikan uang berlebih dari seseorang ke orang lain, yaitu dirinya. Orang ini biasanya disebut sebagai pengemis. Yang kedua adalah orang yang mentransportasikan uang atau barang lain yang sebenarnya tidak berlebih kepada dirinya. Orang ini disebut pencuri, perampok, penjambret, pencopet, dan lain sebagainya.
Bahkan alam juga mengakui kehebatan Jakarta dengan memberikan kolam renang dan kolam pancing gratis, ya gratis, cuma-cuma, tanpa tedeng aling-aling, kepada rakyat Jakarta setahun sekali.

Itulah sekilas tentang Indonesiaku. Indonesiaku yang hebat.

Friday, February 27, 2009

X-COM Tribute 1 of 3: E.T.A. 1 Hour to The Landing Site.

I decided to make a fan fiction short story based on one of my fave games, X-COM. Because English is not my primary language and also I'm not actually into literature, there's bound to be mistakes here and there. If you do found them, just let me know.

BTW, this is just a work of fiction. All similarities are just pure coincidence.


E.T.A. 1 Hour to The Landing Site.

The engine of the Skyranger blazes and produces a sound, an eerie sound that can describe the feelings of its passengers. The feelings of anxiety, excitement, and fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of the fate of oneself, fear of the aliens. Such is the everyday feeling and thought of every X-COM personel, and those two young seasoned soldiers are no exception. James Moran and Charles Lee, birth name Li Zhang Fei based from the hero of the Three Kingdom epic, are two childhood friends. They grew up together in the city of New Philadelphia, one of the cities which got hit on the first outbreak of the alien invasion.

James is a 6"1' with a burning red hair and a pair of hazel eyes. He was from a common suburban family. His father was a white collar worker, a salaryman, that was working long hour for a minimum wage. And his mother was a teacher, a teacher in the school which James also a student of.

He met Charlie, a son of a Chinese convenience store owner, in the 6th grade. Their meeting was a painful one, literally. They were fighting one another in a heated battle. The young James was a strong, smart, brash, courageous, fearless, and hot tempered. These traits can make him a model student actually, yet he was so prideful of this fact and become known as the bully of the school instead.

The young Charles Lee has a similar traits. He was also smart, courageous, and fearless. But due to what his family teachings of courtesy, honor, humility, and pacifism, he was rather reserved, a pacifist who often find a way out of trouble over a confrontation. For those who didn't know the real him, he would make a perfect target for bullying.

Most of the time, he could keep a cool head and lived to those values. But on that fateful day, he was enraged when James insulted his honor, his family, and his ancestors. Having trained in the art of Ba Ji Quan, an ancient Chinese martial art, he easily beat James and his gang. These fighting and bickering lasted for so many times, and every times James and his buddies are at the losing end. These however turned out to be the turning point of James's life. He finally admitted defeat and befriended Charlie. The story i's not unheard of around the base because James was always telling it every time he got drunk.

"So, how many rookies are there now?", ask James while glancing through the narrow corridor inside of the Skyranger.

"Eight, I think. We've suffered a heavy lost on the last mission.", his best friend for 14 years said. He looks just like he was 14 years ago, only taller and older. He's 5"4' with a black hair and eyes, the common figure of an Asian person. He's still as calm, reserved and can always control himself even in a heated situation.

Reminiscing the last two years they've spent on the X-COM headquarter "Vigilance", the first X-COM installation located somewhere inside the Navajo desert, they couldn't help but feel depressed. The shouts, shrieks, deathcries, and pleas for mercy (which obviously meant nothing to those bastard scums of aliens) echoed in their head. All those fallen comrade's, X-COM comrade's, images are still fresh in their memory.

X-COM, or Extraterrestrial Combat Unit, is an organization that was built by the powerful nations of the world for the purpose of investigating the current increase of alien phenomena, and battle them if they are deemed threatening. They were first established on December 1998 when more sightings of UFOs are known to public masses.

"Aw, sucks. I better get my mood back before they take the benefit of it." said James while he lights up a cigarette. "You know, those scientists are talking about some psychic powers mumbo jumbo that these aliens have. They called it psi or pis-something and it can be used to control our mind or so.".

While puffing the first smoke to the air, he said again, "They said its ratio of success is based on the morale of the target. I don't buy it though but better safe than sorry, right?".

"You know, that thing will kill you one of these days.", Charlie complied.

Suddenly a voice came from the seat at Charlie's lefthand side, "Can you pass me one, James?".

Maria Romanova is another one of the Squaddies besides James, Charlie, and 4 other guys. She comes from Russia. This 5"8' with a blond hair is one of the three divas of the X-COM personels in the "Vigilance" base. She's 24 years old, 2 years younger than James and Charlie but has the same bodycount as those two combined. They said that you shouldn't be fooled by her beauty, inside of her is a gifted warrior with a bloodlust of a beast.

"Sure, help yourself", and he offers his pack of cigarettes. A slender yet firm hand reach out to one of those cigarettes.

"I'm very excited with this tour! The upper echelon said that this mission is a special one." All of the men was thinking, "yeah, we can see that in your face." Her face couldn't hide the fact that she is joyful, or lustful to be precise, for the chance of adding up her bodycount. A bloodlust of a beast indeed.

"Those bastards of are becoming harder and harder to kill every day, and our tolls of death are increasing. Yet, that makes me more fired up." There's a silence in the air upon hearing the word 'death'.

"Cut it out, will you? You've scared all the little ones, like this one here.", and James pointed to someone beside him, me.

"What's your name, soldier?", he asked me.

I answered trembling, "Sa.. Said Abdul Jabar, sir!"

"Oh, you're an Arab. We don't have that many Arabs here. Where do you come from?"

"New Palestine, sir!"

"Okay, Said. I won't sugarcoat anything. Yes, there's a chance that we will get killed out there.", he paused and sucked his cigarette really hard and then blows a halo-like puff of smoke.

"But won't it be better to know that we died for something that's precious to us. So what is it that is precious to you?"

"God, sir!", I answered without a doubt.

"Well then, God loves all His creations, right? Humans, animals, nature, earth. So, if we fought for what He loved, that means we fought for Him, right? That's why..." his speech is cut by an announcement from the pilot that we've arrived at the destination.

"We're here, finally. Sorry, let's finish this conversation next time. Let's get ready!", and he inhaled his last smoke before throwing his cigarette butt.

All 14 X-COM combatants, armed to the teeth, finally arrived and they are preparing for the fated encounter with the other kinds.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

What's your alignment?

First of all, aku lagi coba ngeblog lagi setelah lama gak nulis apa2. Semoga bisa berlanjut terus (perasaan dari dulu sama, semoga bisa kontinu nulis blog gitu. BAH!)

Ok, what's an alignment? Buat yang demen Dungeons & Dragons pasti pada kenal.
Quote dari Wiki: "In the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, alignment is a categorization of the ethical and moral perspective of people, creatures and societies."

Dalam kata lain, alignment adalah kategori yang dipakai untuk membedakan tendensi seseorang terhadap kode etik dan moral tertentu. Ada 4 variabel yang dipakai untuk menentukan kategori tersebut, Good, Evil, Law, dan Chaos.

Good vs Evil

Good: menggambarkan sifat yang menjunjung tinggi kebenaran, mengutamakan kesejahteraan orang lain, menghargai kehidupan, kasih sayang terhadap sesama. Orang dengan sifat "good" ini biasanya bersedia berkorban demi orang lain tanpa pamrih walaupun itu orang yang tidak dikenal.

Evil: menggambarkan sifat yang condong kepada kejahatan, lebih mengutamakan kepentingan pribadi tanpa memandang dampaknya pada orang lain (kok mirip sama sebagian besar anggota dewan kita ya?); melukai, menekan, bahkan membunuh tanpa belas kasih apabila itu berkesesuaian dengan kepentingannya. Orang dengan sifat "evil" ini biasanya egois dan hanya mementingkan dirinya sendiri.

Neutral: menggambarkan sifat pertengahan dari good / evil. Dimana orang dengan sifat ini tidak setuju dengan tindak kejahatan (evil) tetapi juga tidak terlalu mementingkan kepentingan orang banyak di sekitarnya. Orang dengan sifat ini hanya akan membantu orang-orang terdekatnya saja atau yang mempunyai hubungan dengan dia.

Law vs Chaos

Law: menggambarkan sifat yang menjunjung tinggi hukum dan keadilan, loyalitas, kejujuran, dan kehormatan. Orang dengan sifat ini cenderung melakukan semuanya secara teratur, semua yang keluar dari pakem adalah salah, semuanya harus sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku entah itu hukum, adat, atau yang lain. Kekurangannya adalah dia cenderung kaku dan kurang bisa beradapsi terhadap suatu keadaan yang tidak tercantum dalam suatu peraturan.

Chaos: menggambarkan sifat "free spirit" / kebebasan, adaptasi, fleksibilitas dalam hidup, ketidakteraturan, ketidaksukaan terhadap sesuatu yang mengekang, dll. Orang dengan sifat ini biasanya berpikir di "luar kotak", menganggap peraturan itu ada untuk dilanggar, menganggap kebebasan berekspresi di atas peraturan dan hukum. Kelemahannya adalah cenderung ceroboh, pemberontak, tidak bertanggungjawab, susah menaati peraturan.

Neutral: menggambarkan sifat di tengah-tengah law / chaos. Orang dengan sifat ini mematuhi hukum secara wajar (tidak secara fanatis) dan tidak menganggap melanggar hukum (jika diperlukan) adalah hal yang tabu. Orang ini tidak mempunyai dorongan untuk menaati hukum atau memberontak terhadapnya.

Kategorisasi Alignment

Alignment dibagi menjadi (berdasarkan urutan):

  1. Lawful Good

  2. Neutral Good

  3. Chaotic Good

  4. Lawful Neutral

  5. True Neutral

  6. Chaotic Neutral

  7. Lawful Evil

  8. Neutral Evil

  9. Chaotic Evil

Lawful Good

Lawful Good dikenal juga dengan alignment "Saintly". Seseorang dengan alignment ini biasanya bertindak berdasarkan kasih sayang terhadap sesama dan selalu dengan rasa kehormatan dan tindakan yang tidak melanggar hukum. Orang dengan alignment ini kadang-kadang akan menghadapi dilema apakah harus mematuhi hukum yang bertentangan dengan hati nuraninya atau tidak. Contoh: mematuhi / melanggar peraturan dari pejabat yang kotor walaupun itu bisa mengakibatkan rakyat sengsara. Seorang polisi yang menjunjung hukum demi menanggulangi kejahatan adalah contoh orang dengan alignment ini.

Beberapa tokoh dengan alignment Lawful Good: Batman, Captain America, Dick Tracy, dan Indiana Jones.

Neutral Good

Neutral Good dikenal juga dengan alignment "Benefactor". Orang dengan alignment ini selalu bertindak dengan hati nuraninya tanpa memandang apakah tindakannya itu melanggar hukum atau tidak. Seorang doktor yang mengobati tentara yang terluka dari kedua belah pihak yang berperang adalah contoh orang dengan alignment ini.

Beberapa tokoh dengan alignment Neutral Good: Cloud Strife, Zorro, Solid Snake, Luke Skywalker dan Spider-man.

Chaotic Good

Chaotic Good dikenal juga dengan alignment "Beatific" atau "Rebel". Orang dengan alignment ini beranggapan bahwa perubahan untuk kebaikan bersama adalah mutlak, membenci birokrasi & pemerintah yang menghalangi kesejahteraan umum, menghargai kebebasan. Seorang pemberontak yang berusaha menggulingkan tirani adalah contoh orang dengan alignment ini.

Beberapa tokoh dengan alignment Chaotic Good: Robin Hood, Arc The Lad, Tifa Lockhear, dan Austin Powers.

Lawful Neutral

Lawful Neutral dikenal juga dengan alignment "Disciplined" atau "Judge". Orang dengan alignment ini menjunjung tinggi hukum dan peraturan di atas segalanya dalam menjaga keteraturan dalam masyarakat. Seorang serdadu yang selalu mematuhi atasannya dan hakim yang menerapkan hukum tanpa pandang bulu adalah contoh orang dengan alignment ini.

Beberapa tokoh dengan alignment Lawful Neutral: James Bond, Odysseus, Cait Sith, Paul Atreides, Leto Atreides II

True Neutral

True Neutral dikenal juga dengan alignment "Undecided", "Balancer" atau "Nature's". Orang dengan alignment ini cenderung bersikap netral terhadap segalanya tanpa melihat apakah perbuatannya melanggar hukum atau tidak ataupun apakah perbuatannya bermanfaat bagi kesejahteraan orang lain atau tidak. Orang tersebut cenderung beranggapan bahwa good, evil, law, chaos adalah prinsip yang ekstrem dan semuanya harus berimbang. Seorang petani yang hanya bertindak untuk memberi makan keluarganya adalah contoh orang dengan alignment ini. Semua binatang juga ber-alignment ini karena mereka bertindak hanya berdasarkan insting mereka semata.

Beberapa tokoh dengan alignment True Neutral: Vincent Valentine, Lara Croft, Mr. Spock, negara Swiss.

Chaotic Neutral

Chaotic Neutral dikenal juga dengan alignment "Anarchist" atau "Free Spirit". Orang dengan alignment ini bertindak berdasarkan keinginannya tanpa mengindahkan peraturan dan tradisi, dan berusaha agar tidak merugikan orang lain (walaupun mereka bisa saja melakukannya apabila diperlukan). Kebanyakan pengelana mempunya alignment ini.

Beberapa tokoh dengan alignment Chaotic Neutral: Tarzan, Captain Jack Sparrow, Tyler Durden (Fight Club), dan Snake Plissken.

Lawful Evil

Lawful Evil dikenal juga dengan alignment "Dominator" atau "Diabolic". Orang dengan alignment ini cenderung patuh terhadap peraturan tetapi tidak menghiraukan (dan cenderung menyengsarakan) kesejahteraan orang banyak. Seorang tiran, bos mafia, serdadu berdarah dingin yang mematuhi atasan dan senang membunuh adalah contoh orang dengan alignment ini.

Beberapa tokoh dengan alignment Lawful Evil: Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Kingpin, Magneto, Emperor Shaddam IV, Lex Luthor.

Neutral Evil

Neutral Evil dikenal juga dengan alignment "Malefactor". Orang dengan alignment ini cenderung egois dan tidak akan ragu2 untuk mengkhianati temannya apabila memang itu diperlukan. Mereka tidak akan berpikir dua kali untuk melanggar hukum dan melukai orang lain apabila itu sejalan dengan keinginan mereka, tetapi mereka juga tidak akan melakukannya jika itu tidak berguna bagi mereka. Seorang penjahat dengan alignment ini bisa lebih berbahaya daripada yang ber-alignment Lawful Evil atau Chaotic Evil. Karena dia tidak dibatasi oleh peraturan (Lawful) dan juga tidak tak terorganisir dan tanpa maksud (Chaotic). Seorang pembunuh bayaran yang hanya membunuh targetnya saja termasuk orang dengan alignment ini.

Beberapa tokoh dengan alignment Neutral Evil: Mystique, Sawyer (Lost), Sauron

Chaotic Evil

Chaotic Evil dikenal juga dengan alignment "Destroyer" atau "Demonic". Orang dengan alignment ini tidak mengindahkan hukum, moralitas, kepentingan orang lain, bahkan nyawa orang lain kecuali nafsu mereka sendiri. Mereka melakukan apa saja yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi kepuasan mereka. Mereka mematuhi peraturan hanya karena mereka takut akan hukuman, bukan karena hukum itu sendiri. Seorang pembunuh berdarah dingin termasuk orang dengan alignment ini.

Beberapa tokoh dengan alignment Chaotic Evil: Lord Voldemort, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, Sephiroth, The Joker, Profesor Moriarty.

What's your alignment?

Jadi yang manakah alignment anda? Anda bisa mencoba meraba-raba sendiri berdasarkan kategori-kategori di atas. Atau kalau tidak yakin, bisa coba link-link di bawah ini:

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Barça Anthem!

This is the official anthem of F. C. Barcelona. It's all in Catalan. Enjoy.


Tot el camp
és un clam
som la gent blau-grana
tant se val d´on venim,
si del sud o del nord,
ara estem d´acord, estem d´acord
una bandera ens agermana:
blau-grana al vent,
un crit valent,
tenim un nom,
el sap tothom:

Barça! Barça! Baaarça!

tots units fem força:
són molts anys piens d´afanys,
són molts gols que hem cridat,
i s´ha demostrat, s´ha demostrat,
que mai ningú no ens podrà tórcer:
Blau-grana al vent,
un crit valent,
tenim un nom,
el sap tothom:

Barça! Barça! Baaarça!

F.C. Barcelona, The Greatest Football Club in The World

My favourite football (soccer in American English) club, F. C. Barcelona is IMHO the greatest ever. Actually my first encounter with el Barca was when I played Championship Manager 97/98 Spanish league version. I still remember that there's still Hesp, Luis Enrigue, Guardiola, Stoichkov, Rivaldo, etc, in the roster. I never ever saw their play myself because La Liga hadn't been aired in my country (yet!). But it doesn't matter because I was owning in CM. The first time I saw them play was in the Champion's Cup. I still remember the beautiful play they showed. Unfortunately the fatal flaw in their defense (that still exist till now) made them pay the price.

My favourite player was Luis Enrigue at first. The reason was he can be positioned anywhere in the formation in CM. He can be a defender, midfield, or even attacker. But I usually played him as a second striker behind Kluivert. But now my favourite player is Carles Puyol. IMHO, the best defender in the world. At first when I saw him play in Champion's League, I thought "what the hell? who is this guy? where' Albert Ferrer?". And I also laughed when he missed kicking the ball. But then, when I saw more of him (and Barcelona), I was (and still am) in awe. Especially this one time when he faced the opponent's attacker (I think it was Juventus' Zalayeta, I forgot) alone in front of an empty goal. When the attacker shotted, Puyol just blocked it with his chest. A superb defending that was. And a superb defender he is.

IMHO, right now is Barca's Golden Era. They've got lots of superb players like Puyol, Xavi, Ronaldinho, Etoo, etc, and also the wonderkids like Iniesta, Messi, dos Santos, etc. The only one lacking are goalies. Barcelona always have bad experience when it comes to goalies. Hesp, Baia, all the way to the current Victor Valdez are actually good goalies. But in Barca, IMHO, they didn't show enough of what they actually can do. I can only comment on Valdez (and perhaps a little on Reina) because I haven't seen much of Hesp and Baia. Valdez is actually pretty good. He has made some important blocks. Yet, he has made mistakes and blunders as many as he made those blocks. Reina (now in Liverpool) is also good. But the habit of making blunders also affect him in Barca. The question is why does he play superbly in Liverpool.? Weird! Or is it maybe because Barca often neglected their defense so our main "scapegoat" is the goalie? Maybe.

This season, Barca didn't do too well. Fortunately, Madrid is going down also. Sigh. Dunno who's to blame. Bad luck maybe?

Viva Barca!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Ressurection

The blog is resurrected. Or, at least I planned it to. Dunno how much longer this enthusiasm to write will be. Hopefully long enough until I can fulfill my destiny. Harr... harr... harr...

I actually there's so much I wanted to write since the last (and only entry) in this blog. But lazyness struck me good. Also there were bunch of works in my office that needed to be done (I even had to make overtimes for approx. a month). Now I'm refreshed and felt the urge to blog.

My intentions are beside writing about my thoughts and such, to write a game development tutorials in Bahasa Indonesia (my mother tongue language). Although maybe many of the tutorials are taken from some other tutorials or maybe just the translation from other English tutorials. My experience in game development is also limited. Only a year doing a project with Linux and SDL. Also it was only in 2D. It's still a long way to achieve my goal. Nevertheless, hopefully it would spark some interest to those wanting to be game developer.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Fear is the mindkiller

"I must not fear. Fear is the mindkiller. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." - Frank Herbert, "Dune"

My first entry to this blog. The quote above is one of the best quotes in Frank Herbert's Dune. It was first appeared when Paul Atreides was tested by Reverend Mother Mohiam. Although Paul was the first who said the quote in Dune, actually it's one of the teachings of Bene Gesserit.

I'm very fascinated by Dune and the world revolving it. Such a fantastic story. I liked it the first time when I played the PC game Dune (which now becomes an abandonware). The story is about politics, religion, philosophy, and a premonition about technology. There's space travel using space fold technology that was monopolized by the Spacing Guild. Bene Gesserit that's a society of selective breeding, and with mental and physical training of prana-bindu training they wanted to improve humanity by creating the Kwisatz Haderach, "the one who can be many places at once.". There's a century old feud of House Atreides and House Harkonnen. The Imperial House Corrino with an army of Sardaukar elites. The sand people, Fremen. Shai-Hulud a.k.a. sand worm. Minor House Tleilaxu which have advanced biogenetics engineering that can produce face-dancers (shapeshifters) and gholas (clones from human tissues). And of course the spice Melange.

Having played the game and seen both the film (which has the singer Sting in it as Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen) and mini series, I've come to realize to these questions. What is human? What is time and space? What is superhuman? And furthermore after I watched the Children of Dune miniseries about Paul's twin children there's so many thoughts came up. What is the benefit of premonition or the ability to know the many paths of the future? The one who has it (Paul) didn't want it, yet the one who didn't have it (Alia) crave for it. So what then if we can see the possible future and can make judgements according to the best possible future. I mean, is it actually the best future / the best path? If so the best from whose point of view? What if it is the best for us human beings, but the worst for the planet? Also, wouldn't knowing the future make the whole surprise in life be nullified and life will become so dull? Paul himself didn't know this answer. Paul himself didn't know how to achieve "The Golden Path".

Resources about Dune: - Dune novels in Wikipedia - Dune the movie in Wikipedia - Dune the miniseries in Wikipedia. The best ever Dune interpretation compared to the movie - Dune abandonware game. - Dune 2 abandonware game. Non-canon version of Dune with another Great House of Ordos